Saturday, August 4, 2007

KMW E- motorcycle

The electric motorcycle can achieve 0-60 in 1.0 seconds, using just under 1000 lithium ion batteries. A nitromethane racer does the same in 0.7 seconds.

Scientists have recently produced supercapacitors that can hold 7X the normal charge of an old school style dielectric supercapacitor. Using this rapid and groos discharge it will be possible for the electric bike to replace some lithium ions with supercaps to enhance performance in the initial acceleration.

A bike composed entirely of supercaps would have a ride life of only perhaps six seconds or so, but it could accelerate outstandingly fast in those six seconds, certainly destroying any quarter mile record. A bike with supercaps to enhance lithium ion charge could become the next great superbike system.

Supercap = Superbike

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